One Niche is B.S. for Experienced Coaches

It’s B.S that you need one niche or target market to succeed!! Experienced coaches will often have multiple niches and target markets and skills to help MANY TYPES OF PEOPLE. (Click the Facebook icon on the video above to watch the transcribed video on Fbook.) So why do marketing 'experts' tell you to focus on [...]

Talking About Functional Exercise, Doesn’t Work in Your Marketing!

Coach, here's how NOT to get clients with your online marketing = Talking about ‘functional exercise’,🏌🏻‍♀️or 🏋️‍♂️’strength & conditioning’ or any method you use, in your marketing (on socials or ur website), DOES NOT get you clients, (you know this, 'cause if it worked, they'd be messaging you right?). Click the Facebook icon on the [...]

Experienced Coach Finally Capitalises on Her Social Media  This experienced coach FINALLY capitalised on her experience in the industry.Meet Jo, an experienced coach and (retired) Professional Figure Champion of multiple titles over the past decade. She has coached clients, very successfully in both the face to face and online space.When we met Jo had huge fluctuations and drops in her income, due [...]

Why you should quit

- When you aren't happy- When the 'thing' you aren't happy about is causing you more distress than fulfilment.- When you really have tried and exhausted all other avenues. (That list is pretty big and requires more than a little gumption to get through it).When you shouldn't quit;When there's NO way out (like many of [...]

Why food and exercise pics DO NOT WORK to get clients

Please scroll down to read the transcription of the video.  I occasionally scroll social media like you guys do, and I'm constantly seeing pictures of exercise and food and exercise and food and exercise and food. This is for you if you post lots of pictures of exercise and food, and you're wondering why you're [...]

Knowledge Bombs and Actionable Exclusive Info to Help you Get More Clients NOW!!

I really appreciate the fact that you are reading this, so I want to share with you some of my material (Some of which is usually reserved for my paying clients).I also appreciate that you are probably time poor so I'll keep this short and sweet and action-able too.. is that even a word?? Oh [...]

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