How do you maximize 15 hours a week? That is a question we want to be answering on Chris Ippolito’s GetCoached360 Podcast interview with Kate Martin today, because we want to do more with less time. I mean, don’t we all? Click here to go to the interview.

Have you ever felt like you did not have time for anything, let alone post on social media? And when you get the drive to write something, questioning yourself whether it is worth sharing takes up most of the content creation process.

In this episode, Kate Martin tells us that maximizing time is more of a shift in focus. We need to spend less time thinking about ourselves and more time thinking about helping people out. A change in focus allows us to freely express our intent and be more authentic in building relationships with the people we want to be working with.

That said, Kate’s approach to maximizing time involves personal development. It emphasizes focusing on what is essential and has a very humanistic feel to it.

Kate Martin is a Business Coach for Personal Trainers. She has helped her clients grow their business exponentially. She does this by assisting them in finding their own genius and using their unique skills and experience as capital.

Kate has always been in the people business, but she was not still an expert. Like everyone, she started as a beginner, but she had a curious mind and passion for serving people. She decided to learn from many coaches from a variety of health-related fields and businesses.

Now, it is time for her to give back, and it is time for us to listen. As entrepreneurs, we can learn a lot from people who have already been through the journey. Hopefully, through their stories, we can find the right direction to start our own journey.

Episode Summary

  • You can save time by really understanding what you can offer, your target market, and the kind of people you want to be working with.
  • Do not offer yourself to someone who will not gain value from what you are offering.
  • What matters is the level of support you can give to what you teach works out for them.
  • Overcoming the impostor syndrome involves an awareness that it is a normal reaction, making an active choice to listen to what matters, and shifting your focus from self to helping others.
  • Prioritize making human connections. 
  • Be as authentic as possible on social media.
  • Do not forget to add a call to action to every post. 

Covered in This Episode

[2:11Early Life and Background

[7:20A Preview of Kate’s 90-Day Course for Coaches

[8:14Do Something Natural to You

Maximizing 15 Hours in a Week

[9:00Prioritize what is important to you

[13:12] Focus on what is relevant and actionable for your audience

[13:46Be of service and be generous to your clients

[16:48Individualizing Your Support to Your Target Audience

Growing Your Followers

[17:44Understand who your target audience is

[19:11Make your content meaningful

[20:11] Make human connections

[21:14Be consistent

[24:07] Recap: Refocus and Do Something Natural to You

[26:15] Repurposing Your Content

[27:13Overcoming the Impostor Syndrome

[33:25Focus on What You’re Good at and Build From There

[35:58] Recap: Building Real-Life Connections

[41:50Be as Authentic as Possible

[43:22Make Yourself Publicly Accountable

[44:44How to Contact Kate Martin

To watch the video,  see this article on Chris’s ‘GetCoached Website.

For questions regarding your coaching business, and creating an EPIC business and life without needing to do more hours, message Kate on here, or apply to speak to Kate here.