Quick video – More detail in the written article attached;
This is for you if you are running challenges but are finding you are worried about your revenue dropping when it comes close to the end of the challenge.
This is for you if you get that fear or anxiety towards the end to as you aren’t sure if people will ‘renew’ or ‘sign up again’ and it leaves you that terrible feeling of ‘Oh no, are all my clients and income going to disappear’.
I’m sure you have experienced it, your booking system looks empty because no one has booked in again. You have to constantly re-sell and re-engage your clients so that you can re-enrol them into a new program. Or wait until you launch the next ‘Program’…
This anxiety feeling is incredibly common. I know I’ve experienced it in the past as have many other trainers that I’ve spoken to. But it doesn’t have to feel like that.
Below are my tactics for tackling this problem;
After your clients have completed their challenge or program, have them roll-over on an ongoing basis. Here’s what I mean –
You discuss training and booking in long-term at the point of sale. It’s just a ‘given’ that they will be staying so the contract is ‘ongoing’ with a minimum term of ‘12 weeks’ (or whatever your ‘challenge’ is).
You can give them an option after the ‘challenge’, eg the 12 weeks, to simply opt out or pause by giving you a week’s notice, making the standard administrative procedure to put them on an ongoing contract, renewing automatically after they finish the challenge. (I love the simplicity of this from an administrative perspective – who wants to do less admin?? – all Personal Trainers!).
I have never had a customer who’s had an issue doing it this way.
Just make sure you talk to them about ‘rolling over’ at least two weeks before they are due to finish, (as you know most people forget most of what you say at the point of sale. So even on that point, it’s a good idea to send it to them on an email too. The point is not to hide it, it’s to ‘assume’ confidently they will love it and be continuing).
This makes it a win – win;
– Your client knows they have a permanent spot booked in the sessions (this is especially helpful for sessions with limited numbers).
– You know that your business has a committed number of participants for that particular timeslot, week, month or quarter.
– The OBVIOUS point – CASHFLOW. You know you have a larger chance of the person continuing as they are already booked in and loving the sessions. If you find you have a less than 80% conversion rate of people continuing to train then message me (with the title of sales help in the title), as there is something drastically wrong.
– Watch your stress settle A LOT when you don’t get that dreaded ‘is everyone leaving me?’ feeling towards the end of the challenge.
Now, of course, you need to make sure you’re supporting them in wanting to continue. That goes without needing to be said, but I thought I’d mention it incase you aren’t already doing it.
You’ll still be consistently talking to them about their goals. If their goals include measurements, you’re regularly measuring them.
(I know it gets boring talking about ‘bikini bodies’, ‘getting ripped and toned’ but let’s face it, it’s the industry we are in and once they are your client you can win them to your way of thinking about it all).
If their goals include ‘personal best’s’ or less pain, you’re working them towards those goals and measuring it frequently with whatever method you choose.
If you aren’t measuring it, make sure you are having conversations with them regularly to remind them of the results they are getting/let them point it out to you after asking them some questions on the subject as you train.
You’ll still need to be providing the support they need, but you won’t have to worry about re-booking and re-selling again.
** As an extra hint – At Point of Sale, I tell them and show them how ‘on the spot’, to book themselves into their favourite sessions, ongoing for the rest of the year.
Stating that they can always cancel the sessions, however if there’s an empty spot even a few weeks ahead it will get booked up if they don’t grab it. (This is the truth by the way) as for years my groups have had a waiting list for most sessions.
An example of how to use this is at Christmas time. My clients will put their sessions on hold for one, two or even three weeks over the holidays. But I make sure that they’re booked in for a session once they’re back.
Sure, I’ll have quieter weeks in January, but I know when my clients are back because their sessions are booked in. And those quieter weeks are a great time for you to work online, work on yourself, or just have a holiday with your family! But you can come back refreshed and recharged to clients already being booked in, instead of having to chase them up.
You might want to use 8-week or 12-week challenges as a way to boost things up, but retain an ongoing roll-over membership with your current clients. This way, you still have the ongoing income into your business, and you don’t have to worry about making ends meet. Challenges are best as a booster for your business, not the main source of income. As usual, make sure you are marketing ALL THE TIME. Otherwise, forget having a successful business of any sort.
Ideally, you can be booked out AND have all those who work with you booked out too!
As a trainer, the end-goal (apart from getting the client amazing results, is to become an integral part of your client’s life, their community and they a part of yours, and help them to feel good!) We work in an amazing business, so let’s serve people the best way we can, and reach MORE!
Would you like more clarity on how to package yourself, sell ongoing challenges, create ones that don’t bore you and at the same time get more clients?
Would you like my help?
I have to let you know that the last few places for 2017 are up for grabs in my 90 Day Female Fit Pro Course, where you work 1:1 with me, on YOUR business.
What does that mean?
It means I don’t have a curriculum. I help you develop YOUR business, from where it is.
What that means is that ideally you are a trainer or health coach who’s been in business for more than 12 months, ideally much longer and you KNOW not only how to get results but you know how to retain clients, then this program is for you.
I will help you package yourself for greater use of your time, more inspired work days so if you don’t want to start at 530am you needn’t!
All while working to triple your income and increase your client base. I’ll even help you launch online.
In fact there’s no telling what might happen after we start.
Some of the girls who’ve recently finished and gone on to my ‘Inner Circle 12 Month VIP Program’ have currently run several of their own retreats, some have gone overseas for these, some have systemised their businesses and created ‘apps’, some have increased their hourly rates and hired contractors to help, some have quadrupled their turnover, launched group training.
Others have run several paid workshops and seminars and now get asked to speak at events.
It’s all happening for my girls and I couldn’t be prouder. If you are willing to work and be coached, anything IS possible. (And there is the odd male in there too as they are the girls business partners.)
It’s not for everyone, you need to be willing to be guided. To be open to new ideas and faster ways of doing things. You need to be ready to receive MASSIVE growth! If that sounds like you, don’t just sit there, message me now and we will start the application process. The course will more than pay for itself and usually within the first month.
At the time of writing this there’s 7 spots remaining in the program for the rest of the year. >> Message me to apply.

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