presented by Kate Martin
Do you want to learn how to sell? Do you want to learn how to ethically increase your sales income without increasing your hours?
In this session, Kate Martin with help you learn how to sell, from handling the inquiry from the internet through to the end transaction.
Date: Wednesday 22 August 2018
Time: 12.00 midday for 12.15pm start – end 1.30pm
Venue: Courthouse Youth Arts, 60 Little Malop Street, Geelong – Second Court
Cost: FREE! Click here to get your free tickets!
Over the past 20 years, Kate Martin has trained several top of the field sales experts who have transferred to service-based industries.
She’s run her own businesses along with restarting and moving location over 8 times across Australia. All starting from base zero and creating businesses specifically in the massage, nutrition and personal training service industries. Within 30 days these businesses were generating over $3,000 per week and growing… and that was before understanding and using social media or online.
Kate specialises in helping people, specifically coaches in health/fitness services businesses to increase their income, a large part of which is rapport building and sales.
She’s worked for herself, selling the services of herself and contractors in the health industry for the past 20 years.
She’s passionate about helping specifically female service providers to provide services to the public, how to sell themselves, comfortably and without what feels like they are selling their soul… or simply doing it to ‘count the money’.
She’s walked the walk and proven her method does work having once ‘out sold’ a group of over 40 men who she was competing with, in a sales competition in an industry dominated by males.
Several of her clients have managed to sell over $20,000 per week in their own businesses regularly and many she works with go on to much more than double their incomes.
Come along and enjoy this presentation and Q&A session with other like-minded females with a passion to succeed and breaking through the barriers of sales success!
Those details again
Date: Wednesday 22 August 2018
Time: 12.00 midday for 12.15pm start – end 1.30pm
Venue: Courthouse Youth Arts, 60 Little Malop Street, Geelong – Second Court
Cost: FREE! Click here to get your free tickets!
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