I want to discuss how to market effectively. I’ve made a video for you too, but just quickly, before that…
When I say ‘effectively’ I mean your bottom line (income) should be improving FAST.
Not when you get your Facebook ads right.
Not when you get your pretty brochures or pamphlets printed.
Not when your website is ready.
NOW. BEFORE you are ready and perfect. That’s how you increase your bottom line! 😉
Use your voice, and your REAL MESSAGE of WHO DO YOU HELP and what do you help them with??? And actually BE helpful, share your knowledge, rather than just sell stuff, or offer your sessions…
AND put the message out there (I mean on the internet or in your local community or gym) in as big a way as possible. In either written, video or audio communication. Religiously.
Just like you have a shower. Do it daily. Yep. Or as often as you can REALLY commit to. If you don’t have the business you want, this is why. That’s the honest truth. Your website doesn’t matter, neither does your Facebook page. How much you ACTUALLY help clients is what matters. THAT’S your message.. ( << thats gold right there kids, it’s worth $1000’s, literally.)
Want me to kick your butt into action and clear up the confusion for you?
After all I’ve been doing this, coaching PT’s and I am one, for close to 20 years now… I’ve kind of mastered the art of my messaging and nailing my niche and can help you KNOW who your audience is and HOW TO GET THEM onboard, fast (Hint – it’s your passion and it can often be about you helping someone with what you yourself have been through)
Let me know if you’d like help, or even a quick free discussion (if I have time in my diary), after you watch this video.
email me on kate@katemartinmentor.com

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