Let’s just say if you aren’t networking with other professionals, then you’d better be really good at other facets of marketing for your business (like writing/blogging/seminars/
There are several ways to grow your business really fast and networking with others is one of them… but before you think of the slimy networking events and get your business cards out, please know thats NOT what I mean.
The underlying purpose needs to be to benefit your client. This is crucial and needs to be your number one priority and intension. (A great side effect is you will learn from other practitioners as you go.)
I’ve outlined it all here in these two audios below for you..
I’ve told you exactly why and how to do it and what to say, PLUS given you real life examples of where I have used it to grow my businesses rapidly over the years.
Click the link below to listen (let me know if you have any issues).Let me know how you go with implementing these! It’s all about the implementation!
Audio 1: (less than 10 minutes) >>
Audio 2: (less than 7 minutes) >> https://soundcloud.com/katemartinmentor/networking-for-personal-trainers-my-personal-examples
An overview of the audios;
One of many ways of successful networking is referral. Not referrals for financial gain but rather for the best interest of your client. You want your client to receive the best treatment and service possible. You want to refer your clients to the ‘best’ in the industry. Your client is paying you to get the best results. Always have a myriad of health and bodywork professionals on hand so as to best suit your clients need.
- Male physiotherapist
- Female physiotherapist
- Myotherapist
- Osteopath
- Massage therapist
- Chiropractor
- Psychologist
- Nutritionist/Dietician
- Gp’s
My recommendation would be to never refer a client to professional who you have not used before or know them to have an excellent reputation through word of mouth. Some really good referrals come from others in your industry that you respect and have high regard for. Simply asking your clients is a great place to start when looking for other professionals.
WIN WIN WIN…. This will formulate a win situation for all involved. Win for trainer referring out. Win for person receiving business. Win for your client. << the most important part.
Another good idea and helpful from a business perspective is a reward system available or in place from referring. Its not imperative, but great business practice and nice to acknowledge when someone gives you business.
If clients refer clients to you, reward them. What I do if a client refers someone to me and they sign up is give that client a week free training as a ‘thankyou’. Use this also as marketing; tell people that you will reward them if they refer to you and your business.
Networking is all about reaching out, starting conversations, researching, getting your self out there and seeking others like you. Ask your clients, and others to gain as much information and knowledge as possible. Always remember that the underlying drive is for your client to have the best experience. Network with the right people.
Ideally there are people you want to learn from, people with the same level of operation and ethics as you. Don’t use people who you feel are not a good fit, your reputation is on the line!
Building trust with your client is paramount. I have strong ethics, and to gain clients confidence and trust I will always suggest that if I cant get them results in about 2 session, then I will refer them to someone I know can that will get them results. Remember you want to get the best results for your client and to gain their trust.
That’s how networking can help with your business. It helps you personally learn, your clients get results, and it helps and benefits the community as a whole
Oh I also just went live over on the Facebook page Personal Training Mentor, you can >> watch that here << I gave even more examples of my experiences with Networking and went into more details about how to grow your business and answered other peoples questions.
Talk to you soon!
ps. Let me know what you’d specifically like to hear more about and I’ll see what I can do to help.
pps. Make sure you are also in my free PT Mentoring group for trainers where there are heaps of great bonuses as a thanks for being in there. (Like Programming for Group PT sessions – Strength based, not Bootcamp style. It’s not my style, so I don’t use Bootcamps often, unless I’m running a charity event << Hint – that’s a great way to build your business in your local community!) Facebook Group for Pt’s – Click here

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