Hear Chelsea’s story of how she grew her income in her personal training studio ‘Mummy Movement’ in Sydney. She’s a young mother, partner and business owner who couldn’t get her income past a certain level when we met.
The way we solved the income ceiling was not the way she thought it would happen.
Fast forward 6 months and she explains how she has a waitlist and has launched her own online program and personal brand. She’s grown as a person, seen through the pandemic with her business, now markets her services and the studio effortlessly. (Basically, she knows how to turn the tap on to create income at the same time as being an amazing human…)
In this interview, we discuss the numbers of where she was vs where she is now, the things she’s tried and the experiences learnt from.
I know listening to this you will ‘get’ that you can be a great coach that cares about clients and make an extremely good income at the same time… just like Chelsea does.
For any questions relating to your business growth, flick me an email. You get to do business YOUR way.
Or if you want to cut straight to the chase and you are an experienced coach (meaning you already know how to improve people’s lives with your modality of coaching)…
Then click here to see if there’s a space to speak to me.
(There’s no charge for the first call – if I can’t help you, I will tell you who can)
22 years in has taught me a few things.
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