Tag Archives: weight loss

Me Fat vs. Now – How I used to think

My aim with this post is to help you shorten your pain and frustration if you are in any,

while you are trying to ‘get healthy’ or ‘lose weight’.

Here we go;

As soon as my eyes were open in the morning this is what Id’ think;

  • THEN: I can’t believe I’m this fat, I should know what to do to change, I’m a personal trainer 🙁

insert picture here of someone squeezing their fat and having a very sad face 🙁

  • NOW: I am so grateful for this little healthy girl who’s just woken me up… and I’m also grateful for… x, y, z. (the list changes daily) – Sometimes I still have to fight off the habit off squeezing any fat and saying negative things to myself, but I’m definitely winning that war. Distraction is a great thing.

NO I’m not saying I’m fat, but see how we all do our own heads in with this talk? – I’m similar to you, we are all a work in progress.


  • THEN: It doesn’t matter that I eat this packet of raw cookie dough as I’m fat anyway and completely bored with my life.
  • NOW: I’m conscious of what I’m eating. I mostly follow ‘paleo’ eating (I have done for approx 12 years) although I sometimes add carbs like sweet potato, potato and some rice. Most importantly I’m mindful – and present, while I’m eating it… even when I do overdose on the odd family block of Kit Kat or Potato cakes.

See, I still have treats (or eat off the plan), often several times each week but it doesn’t happen as often as it used to – plus it makes me feel sick which is a real deterrent. And I just want to add, I don’t sit there and put myself down while I’m doing it, I enjoy it. I now think, oh well, this might disrupt my sleep and I’m going to feel a little ‘hung over’ from the food tomorrow so I just know that’s going to happen and the world won’t end (I also try not to make major life changing decisions on these days haha – as that’s how I ended up in Melbourne, coming from Sydney. I made a tired decision, long funny story that one).

OH ALSO A Damage Control Supplement Tip: I also take 2-3 fish oil (or borage seed oil) capsules immediately afterwards, AND 1 Green Tea capsule, so my blood sugar doesn’t spike too high and then crash (which leads to the growth of more fat cells, one feeling more ‘crap’ for want of a better technical term and not to mention a damaged pancreas).


  • THEN: Just do functional exercise as it uses your whole body at once for more of a fat burning effect, and it’s great for stability and strength.
  • NOW: I’ve realised the more full body circuit / running / long cardio workouts I do, the tired-er I get. (This has only effected me post baby I might add, which is why I sometimes like to take it out of mumma’s weekly exercise routines when they are my clients). I’m not saying don’t EVER do them, I’m just saying listen to your body, it knows and maybe there’s no need to bash it into being how you want it.


  • THEN: Who’s body is this?? I hate it!!… (I used to run into things with my hips for the first little while after I had my daughter, then I got used to being bigger – which was depressing in itself). I completely disrespected myself and I thought that if I bashed myself up enough that would lead to me finally getting my size 10 body back post baby. But 4 Years after having her I was still close to 90 kg and a size 16-18 🙁
  • NOW: I’m stuck with this body for life, I will nourish it, respect it and damn well get it to do what I want by working with it, not pushing against it. Rather I need to develop patience.

I really had to let go of what I knew to be ‘the best way’ of exercising and eating and I had to try new things 🙂

It also helps that I have dived into, and I am incredibly grateful for, my work and the ability or career choice of making my life about helping other people, as soppy as that sounds. There’s nothing (that I’ve found) to be as effective to make you forget about your troubles as contributing to others and being around other people. So maybe you could get a cause bigger than yourself?

For a more detailed explanation of my post baby weight loss story, click to have a look at these videos I made here. They pretty much bare all.

Maybe you are not on a weight loss journey, maybe you are just on a ‘learn a new skill’ journey… I hope you can get something out of my story. I know I learnt to try new things rather than pushing crap up hill, so to speak.. by repeating old methods, day in day out, even though they weren’t working.

One simple example was that I had been exercising longer instead of smarter… To the detriment of my body as I got very,  very tired, (and all you mums out there know you can’t afford to work, run a house and have a sleep in the middle of the day).

Here’s the link to my post baby weight loss videos again.

For now, stop bashing yourself. Love yourself instead. Know that you WILL get there, where ever you are going.

You are already amazing xx

Want to get laid?

I recently opened an email from a colleague of mine in which he said he knew why we all exercise and it’s glaringly obvious (to him), and it’s because we all want to get laid! He might not be far from the truth but I can’t believe someone said it!

When you think about deep down the reasons that you exercise do you honestly think it’s because you want to get laid?

I’m going to be sexist here… I do think men are highly motivated by money and sex (and only money ’cause it will get them more sex – or admiration and respect, and therefore have chicks wanting to sleep with them which pretty much means the same thing, no?)

So do we ALL (guys and girls) just want to get laid?

I know sometimes, (depending upon my mood) I find it offensive that that’s what guys think about all the time, but then sometimes I also think ‘the poor buggers’, ‘they can’t help it’. I guess it makes them kind of simple and easy to read, but therefore easy to please (the one you are in a relationship with anyway).

Too controversial for you? Have I hit a nerve? Aren’t I just telling the truth? Well why do you exercise…?

So why do I exercise?

..well to be honest of course I exercise to look great naked. (I have to say I do also exercise as it keeps me sane – Or slightly less psycho…haha). I don’t care how skinny you are, some people still don’t look any good in a bikini. You know it.

Now I’m not about being that critical of other peoples bodies I think all people (especially females) need and deserve to feel gorgeous naked and with clothes on. REGARDLESS of their size. Self esteem is soooo undervalued and so important in life, if you ask me.

Now, if you are a girl reading this I want you to know you can start to feel like that NOW!

Don’t wait until you have the perfect body (I’ll discuss the difference in my headspace of when I was fat vs. thin in the next email), but I can promise you that the biggest ‘leap’ forward you can take towards looking HOT naked is to change your mind set. NOW.

I know that may not sound logical or make sense but you really have to try and ‘get it’ if you don’t get it already. Confidence is incredibly attractive and you do lose 5 kg automatically when you stand up straight.

This new 28 day program of mine which covers exercise, nutrition and most importantly mindset should be called, ‘Look Hot Naked’ but instead it’s called 28 Days to rapid results’. Click this link to claim your spot and make the most of the rest of your January now www.28dayrapidresults.com

and I’ll see you on the lean, ‘Sexy’ side,

which could be in the next few minutes depending upon what you tell yourself 😉

Why Green Juices Might be Bad for You & 3 alternatives to aid detoxification

sml green juiceDetoxing and Juices is all the rage at the moment it seems, and you would presume that a juice made from some of the most nutrient dense, high antioxidant plants (green vegetables) would be ‘good for you’ right? Well not necessarily.. It all depends upon the individual, as with everything. Digestion (and the ability to lose fat) from one person to the next can differ as much as finger prints. Here are some reasons why the ‘Green Juice/Detox Cleanse’ fad may not be working for you plus some alternatives. Of course if juices are working for you, then of course go for it.

This post was inspired by the fact that a close friend of mine, who’s recently started using a nutri-bullet, can’t understand why the ‘healthy’ juices are not agreeing with her stomach all of a sudden.

1. Your food should be chewed. Even though you may not think of your juice as food, you still need the enzymes in your saliva to begin digesting your juice before it hits your stomach. Digestion actually begins in your mouth with your saliva. If the digestive enzymes in your spit do not come in contact with your food, you’ll miss out on some key nutrients from what you’re eating. An idea might be to “Chew” your juice (or swish it around your mouth a little bit before you swallow allowing your jaw to move) so those enzymes in your saliva have some time to begin working.

2. There’s also some evidence that Kidney stones can be caused by green juice. Even apart from this fact, raw green vegetables can be extremely hard for some people to break down. More on that here: http://thesmarterscienceofslim.com/oxalate/

So if green juices aren’t for you, you aren’t the only one. Here’s 3 Fast and cheap ways to aid detoxification which will be easier on your gut:

– Drink minimum 2 Litres of clean filtered water each day (why should you drink filtered water?). Fresh water is imperative for good health.

– Make sure you get fresh air for a minimum of 15 minutes daily. This includes opening the windows in your house, even for 15 minutes in winter. Fresh air is imperative for good health.

– Try 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar in water first thing in the morning, or simply even lemon juice in warm water. The apple cider vinegar helps improve digestion and helps to rebuild your stomach acid, naturally improving your digestion which then of course aids weight loss.

For a great book on green juices and healthy raw smoothies, grab a copy of my friend Tammy’s book here

If you need fast acting help with your own weight loss or digestion, click here for a free call from Kate. If she can’t help you, she’ll guide you to someone who can.


Stay Healthy this Winter – My top 3 FEEL AMAZING tips (no exercise included)

stay healthy and lose weight without exerciseClearly if you are reading this you are already aware that exercise is amazing for your body, so I thought I’d mention a few other tips to help boost immunity, create health (and therefore get you lean), this winter which you may not have already heard of.

Tip 1, Immunity testing:

Get some vitamin d, even in the supplement form. Us BioSignature practitioners (about BioSignature) recommend high dosing of this twice per week, rather than small amounts spread over 7 days. Is does much more than just boost immunity, it aids weight loss and boosts recovery amongst many things. Read more about Vitamin D here: http://www.poliquingroup.com/ArticlesMultimedia/Articles/Article/230/Vitamin_D3_BestSupplementEver.aspx

Zinc levels within the body are also closely linked to immunity, more on immunity in the recipe link below, or on the website referenced above. If requesting a blood test, for example in Australia, the standard blood test is not a great marker. Ask instead for ‘red blood cell’ if having the levels of Zinc tested within the body. If you are getting blood tests, most countries blood test ‘norm levels’ are the average of the population. So do you really want to be compared to ‘the norm’ ? – Just saying 😉

Tip 2, Mindset:

Make sure you socialise even if you don’t feel like it. Being by yourself is fine for some of the time, especially if this is how you recharge. However spending every day and night by yourself and not talking to others has been shown to only lead to more feelings of isolation.

In fact the cultures that have been studied in the book ‘The Blue Zones’ http://www.bluezones.com/ and shown to live the longest and healthiest (disease free) lives have been found to have socialising as the one common trait which seems to be a major difference when we analyse the way we live in the westernised world.

Tip 3, Nutrition:

A tip to boost immunity with cooking is to use the slow cooker and make your own organic bone broth. This draws out the minerals from the bones and completely nourishes your body. Simply keep the juices once you’ve finished cooking a whole leg or meat or any type of meat with the bone included.
Freeze these juices in small containers and add to all your cooking for extra flavour and nutrients, especially during winter.

For more details on why slow cooked broth is amazing for your health and a chicken stock recipe, click the link below and if you scroll further down on that page you will see the recipe.


A great book, which I use as a reference all the time and for more recipe ideas, is ‘Nourishing Traditions’ by Sally Fallon:


If you are ready to unlock the potential cause of your weight gain or health related issues and finally feel amazing, click here to contact me.

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