Tag Archives: cleanse

Smoothie or Juice?

Get the goodness into any way you can, I say….

I used to say, NO DON’T BLEND THINGS be careful as the blender heats the goodness and destroys the mitsi-goblets which hurts your dna and chromosomes, and the juicer does the same thing and destroys the nutrients unless you get a SLLLLOOOOW pressed $50,000 juicer, however – Now I say get either into you as it’s better than nothing right?

And if you wait around for the perfect solution you may not do anything hey? So lets go with juices and smoothies are great so use them, (provided you can digest what you are putting in them – which goes without saying).

green smoothie





Here are some smoothie ideas for those starting out;

Simply choose 4-5 of the following raw ingredients and blend together, hey there’s no rules, if you want to, throw the whole lot in! 🙂

Celery stalks

Baby spinach





½ Avocado

1 green apple

½ Banana

Tiny squeeze of lemon or lime

Water (depending on how much juice/mush or smoothie you would like)

Obviously the fruit portion makes it taste sweeter, but the less fruit you can get used to the better, in my book… but in some cases you just need to get it into your mouth 😉

Note: if you have a thyroid condition I recommend staying away from the kale, spinach and silverbeet when raw but everything else from this list is good to go.

Below are some more links to check out if you want more fruit involved, although if you are on one of my programs, that’s ‘probably’ reduced, but comment below if you are not sure about that one and I’ll do my best to tell you what I think might be a good fit for you.


http://kriscarr.com/ I love this chik! She also has lots of great vegetarian recipes and ‘know how’ when it comes to digesting lentils.

Let me know how you go with your smoothies!

If you need a helping hand with your nutrition, or a kick up the butt, either way I’m happy to help 🙂 drop me a line here


Anti-aging, gene testing and hormones. Plus how to know if your supplements are working..

So here is a quick (impromptu) interview I did with my Naturopath Lawrey Calabro.

I mentioned I’d be getting a blood test done in the last blog post (I’m a psycho bitch). Anyway she’s a wealth of knowledge so I wanted her opinion on what to ask for at the Doctor’s.

She wasn’t ready for the interview, in fact she was consulting me at the time and I said; This is amazing! can I please record that, people need to hear what you just said? So thanks Lawrey! 🙂

Below is the link to the video. (You may need to be on the blog to view video.)

We are running a retreat together along with some other professionals. If you would like to be personally assessed by both her and I, plus learn more about nutrition and lifestyle changes to move your health and energy forward then apply to come, it’s in Melbourne in March. Click here to find out more info, there’s a few spaces left at the time of writing this.


Want to get laid?

I recently opened an email from a colleague of mine in which he said he knew why we all exercise and it’s glaringly obvious (to him), and it’s because we all want to get laid! He might not be far from the truth but I can’t believe someone said it!

When you think about deep down the reasons that you exercise do you honestly think it’s because you want to get laid?

I’m going to be sexist here… I do think men are highly motivated by money and sex (and only money ’cause it will get them more sex – or admiration and respect, and therefore have chicks wanting to sleep with them which pretty much means the same thing, no?)

So do we ALL (guys and girls) just want to get laid?

I know sometimes, (depending upon my mood) I find it offensive that that’s what guys think about all the time, but then sometimes I also think ‘the poor buggers’, ‘they can’t help it’. I guess it makes them kind of simple and easy to read, but therefore easy to please (the one you are in a relationship with anyway).

Too controversial for you? Have I hit a nerve? Aren’t I just telling the truth? Well why do you exercise…?

So why do I exercise?

..well to be honest of course I exercise to look great naked. (I have to say I do also exercise as it keeps me sane – Or slightly less psycho…haha). I don’t care how skinny you are, some people still don’t look any good in a bikini. You know it.

Now I’m not about being that critical of other peoples bodies I think all people (especially females) need and deserve to feel gorgeous naked and with clothes on. REGARDLESS of their size. Self esteem is soooo undervalued and so important in life, if you ask me.

Now, if you are a girl reading this I want you to know you can start to feel like that NOW!

Don’t wait until you have the perfect body (I’ll discuss the difference in my headspace of when I was fat vs. thin in the next email), but I can promise you that the biggest ‘leap’ forward you can take towards looking HOT naked is to change your mind set. NOW.

I know that may not sound logical or make sense but you really have to try and ‘get it’ if you don’t get it already. Confidence is incredibly attractive and you do lose 5 kg automatically when you stand up straight.

This new 28 day program of mine which covers exercise, nutrition and most importantly mindset should be called, ‘Look Hot Naked’ but instead it’s called 28 Days to rapid results’. Click this link to claim your spot and make the most of the rest of your January now www.28dayrapidresults.com

and I’ll see you on the lean, ‘Sexy’ side,

which could be in the next few minutes depending upon what you tell yourself 😉

Why Green Juices Might be Bad for You & 3 alternatives to aid detoxification

sml green juiceDetoxing and Juices is all the rage at the moment it seems, and you would presume that a juice made from some of the most nutrient dense, high antioxidant plants (green vegetables) would be ‘good for you’ right? Well not necessarily.. It all depends upon the individual, as with everything. Digestion (and the ability to lose fat) from one person to the next can differ as much as finger prints. Here are some reasons why the ‘Green Juice/Detox Cleanse’ fad may not be working for you plus some alternatives. Of course if juices are working for you, then of course go for it.

This post was inspired by the fact that a close friend of mine, who’s recently started using a nutri-bullet, can’t understand why the ‘healthy’ juices are not agreeing with her stomach all of a sudden.

1. Your food should be chewed. Even though you may not think of your juice as food, you still need the enzymes in your saliva to begin digesting your juice before it hits your stomach. Digestion actually begins in your mouth with your saliva. If the digestive enzymes in your spit do not come in contact with your food, you’ll miss out on some key nutrients from what you’re eating. An idea might be to “Chew” your juice (or swish it around your mouth a little bit before you swallow allowing your jaw to move) so those enzymes in your saliva have some time to begin working.

2. There’s also some evidence that Kidney stones can be caused by green juice. Even apart from this fact, raw green vegetables can be extremely hard for some people to break down. More on that here: http://thesmarterscienceofslim.com/oxalate/

So if green juices aren’t for you, you aren’t the only one. Here’s 3 Fast and cheap ways to aid detoxification which will be easier on your gut:

– Drink minimum 2 Litres of clean filtered water each day (why should you drink filtered water?). Fresh water is imperative for good health.

– Make sure you get fresh air for a minimum of 15 minutes daily. This includes opening the windows in your house, even for 15 minutes in winter. Fresh air is imperative for good health.

– Try 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar in water first thing in the morning, or simply even lemon juice in warm water. The apple cider vinegar helps improve digestion and helps to rebuild your stomach acid, naturally improving your digestion which then of course aids weight loss.

For a great book on green juices and healthy raw smoothies, grab a copy of my friend Tammy’s book here

If you need fast acting help with your own weight loss or digestion, click here for a free call from Kate. If she can’t help you, she’ll guide you to someone who can.