Monthly Archives: September 2012

10 Tips: Tip 9 Want to reduce Thigh Fat? Are your beauty products full of synthetic chemicals?

894931345Not only have the toxic chemicals (such as parabens) used in most of our beauty products, from things such as moisturiser, soap, shampoo to perfume, been proven to add extra load on your liver for detoxification, they have also been proven to add to your body fat. In fact some have a far reaching effect upon our health and there is very little to no regulation on what chemicals are allowed to be used in these products, so it is very much buyer beware.

Things to look out for in your beauty products are anything ending in ‘paraben’.

Click here safe lists and for more detailed information on what could be harmful in your beauty products.


Get in touch with Kate:


How to get HOT – Girls vs Boys. How different are we when it comes to what you know about how to get results?

686538066There seems to be a very long list of what females are brainwashed into thinking it takes to get results vs. what a man thinks, and does to get results.

What I find funny is that us females are often trying very hard to achieve ‘losing fat or getting lean‘ with the below list and the males are simply trying to put on a bit of muscle, and if the girls were to follow some of the info from the boys list they’d SEE RESULTS IN HALF THE TIME!

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The Girls List… Of what to do to get HOT
  1. Follow a Calories restricted diet – Including fun things like, no alcohol, no fat. no chocolate. See why I here.
  2. Perform lots of Cardio exercise to burn more calories than you consume.
  3. Don’t eat Carbohydrates after 5pm. Or follow this diet or that diet. In fact there are different reasons apart from calories as to why you grow fat cells, click here.
  4. Do lots of light weights, high repitition exercises so as not to bulk up… NOT TRUE, I dare you to try and get bulky (its virtually impossible for most. We all need different stimulus to continue producing results. Find out what will work for you here.
  5. Learn to be more disciplined – I don’t believe you need too much discipline if you get the balance of nutrients right for your body… see why here.

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The Guys List… Of what to do to get HOT
  1. Eat more Quality Protein and just eat more in general
  2. Lift heavy weights


495336200– NO MORE!

Obviously I’m making fun of us girls, but I’m on your side girls, I do understand it’s confusing. So remember keep it simple, get some guidance, it ain’t meant to be hard, you’ve got enough to worry about right?


Get in touch with Kate:



Lower Body Workout – If you dare

As with every persons body you need to change what you are doing on a regular basis, every 3-6 weeks to keep getting results. Below is an example lower body workout using high repetitions of each exercise. (I do not suggest you use the below program for too long, its very high intensity and so when done for a period of more than 2-3 weeks can have a catabolic effect on the body).

Always remember to never sacrifice form when performing any exercise, especially ones where you are holding yourself up again gravity as your back is at stake. Eg, Squats, Deadlifts, Lunges. So as soon as your form goes (and you know the rules on keeping a neutral spine throughout the movement) then stop the exercise. If you feel pain in any joints (other than fatique in the target muscles) also stop.

Alright enough on safety.. onto stimulating growth hormone and getting you leaner;
Perform 4-6 rounds of the following exercises with minimum break until the full 5 are completed. Choose from 1. Beginner/Intermediate or 2.Advanced circuit.

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  1. 12-15 x Dumbell squats (slow)
  2. 12-15 x Static lunges each leg (feet do not move at all) (slow)
  3. 10-12 x Laying leg curl (slow)
  4. 10-12 x Leg extensions (fast)
  5. 12-15 Heels elevated feet only hip distance apart, Body weight squats (fast)

Rest 2 minutes. Repeat. Have fun 🙂

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  1. 12-15 x Barbell Back squats (slow)
  2. 20-24 x Walking Lunges hold Dumbbells (slow)
  3. 12-15 x Laying leg curls (slow)
  4. 15-20 x Leg extension (fast)
  5. 18-20 x Heels elevated feet only hip distance apart, Body weight squats (fast)

Rest 1-2 minutes. Repeat. Have fun 🙂


How you should feel (temporarily) after this workout…


Let me know how you go in the comments… Have Fun 🙂


Get in touch with Kate: