Putting yourself first.. It’s necessary for weight loss and NO it’s not selfish!

799571879Putting yourself first is necessary to survive, not to mention get healthy, lose weight, stay sane and happy. It’s not selfish at all, even though it feels incredibly selfish.

There are always other distractions and things that happen which all add up to distracting you from looking after yourself.

Sometimes your failing health is a reminder that things are out of balance.

Why do we feel selfish when we say no to someone or something because we need that time for ourselves? Too often I hear people using the excuse that they don’t have time for the gym, in other words, for themselves. Yet everyone has been given the same 24hrs and we all make choices about what to do with our 24hrs.

319569427This is not just about making time to exercise. Losing weight has so much more to do with your whole self than it does with how much exercise you do. It has everything to do with how healthy you are mentally and spiritually not just physically. How balanced your stress hormones are, how happy and vital you are and how much you are able to contribute to others.. Remember though if you are depleted of energy how are you going to continue to look after everyone else? Who is going to look after you in the end?

Let me ask you this, what will you do today for yourself, so that you have the energy for others?

In need of some ideas?

417145498Exercise, read, have a cup of tea, breathe, take up a new class/skill/hobby, phone a friend, see your friends, laugh by yourself, think, cook, goal setting, plan a holiday.

I think sometimes we forget the simple equation of energy out must be equal to energy in and in our quest to get more done faster, we seem to be depleting the one essential source in the equation, ourselves.

So make sure you take a minimum 5 minutes each day for yourself, even if just for an uninterrupted cup of tea…



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