10 Tips: Tip 8 Is stress making you fat?

516511834Do you stress about how you shouldn’t have eaten that chocolate/cake/cheese/whatever…???
Well stop stressing!

Yes its true, what you’ve heard about stress making you fat, is in fact true to a point. Excessive levels of the hormone cortisol, (produced by your adrenal glands), circulating for more than a few hours each day through your blood stream will in a lot of cases cause you to fill up the fat cells on your stomach. However I’m here to tell you to eat your bad food and don’t stress about it (obviously within reason). Stressing over what you have eaten causes these hormones to circulate throughout your body and to state the obvious ruins any benefit you got from enjoying the food you have just eaten. I’m not saying you can eat what you want when you want and throw all the rules out the window, but what I do want to make clear is that if you are going to eat a bad meal, you are only doing yourself harm by thinking about how bad it was and punishing yourself for having eaten it for the hours and days that follow.

~ Trust me I spent years after having a baby punishing myself for being fat and eating wrongly sometimes, and it certainly did not contribute to me losing any weight, it just stressed me more.

A good rule to follow when you are trying to lose weight, (I’m saying weight but I mean body fat girls, get off the scales, they are not your friend!), is to have a bad (cheat) meal 2 times each week. Whenever you like.. Thats right, whatever you like, whenever you like. (If you go gluten free your stomach will of course love you, not to mention you will get thinner faster, as gluten is hard to digest and upsets your digestion even if you have not been diagnosed as celiac).

I like my cheat meal to be dinner time or deserts as I have more time and effort to put into preparing these, but you choose whatever time of the week and day suits you best.

So enjoy your food, there’s enough to stress about in life already, stop counting calories, eat plenty of natural foods (meat and veges) and nourish your body 🙂


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