Shortcuts to Launching Online – What I wish I knew in 2012

What I wish I knew in 2012 about launching online. The new podcast is up. I discuss the similarities of face to face and online and the fastest ways to launch everything online and face ot face! (Without tech overwhelm). Here's what I wish I knew 8yrs ago about everything online, selling courses, membership [...]

Networking – as ‘unsexy’ as it is.. Here’s Why and How to do it

Let's just say if you aren't networking with other professionals, then you'd better be really good at other facets of marketing for your business (like writing/blogging/seminars/marketing) to reach people. Why? Simply so they (your potential new clients) learn about you and understand that you can help them. There are several ways to grow your [...]

By |2021-05-06T10:21:55+00:00January 18th, 2017|Marketing, Networking, Personal Training Mentor, Sales|0 Comments

Guaranteed Checklist for Success

See if you can tick the boxes and answer all the questions on this list below.They are keys which I've noticed (after almost 20 years in the business) people fall down on... So if you can create or 'implement' them... well I guess this is your list for success.You're welcome ;)These are ‘all the secrets’ to [...]

By |2019-09-30T15:11:54+00:00April 6th, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Clients not doing as they are told?

Do you find it frustrating that clients don't do ask you have asked them to?You are not alone.In this video I share some tips on how to get your clients to do what you've asked, so they can get results.. Because I know that's what you want for them, right? When they don't 'DO IT' [...]

By |2019-09-30T15:32:54+00:00March 8th, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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